Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Chris Blanc on the web

On the path to conquest of the internet, Chris Blanc can be found nearly everywhere:

Then for more Chris Blanc hilarity:

Send your suggestions in to the contact form to the right and I'll post them.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I try blogging

I still can't quite get the hang of this blogging thing, but I'm trying at "red room," which is in theory a site for writers (and that's why you spell it in lowercase) that I like quite a bit.

My latest entry is about a Hemingway short story that I really enjoyed after encountering it accidentally after spending years disliking Hemingway. This was before I read his amazing The Sun Also Rises and realized how carefully he'd played his generation to show what they really were.

New website design

You can check it out, too. It's right over there. Yep, very minimal. I was thinking of something Tim Bray said about why 1997 technologies still rule the web. They put the lowest barrier between the user and the function. In the case of my web site, it's getting information and updates. So I removed all barriers. See what you think.